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Modern Slavery Act Policy

Statement of Commitment – Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

Caremax 24/7 UK Ltd is fully committed to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the complete abolition of modern slavery and human trafficking in all forms. We acknowledge our responsibility to play a proactive role in ensuring that our business and supply chains are free from any form of slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, and human trafficking. We expect the same commitment from our carers, clients, and stakeholders.

As a care agency, we are committed to providing an inclusive, respectful, and non-discriminatory working environment for all our carers. We strive to create an atmosphere where wrongdoing can be exposed without fear of retaliation. We equally expect our clients and stakeholders to share this commitment and to act accordingly.


Actions in Support of Our Commitment

To uphold our commitment to combatting modern slavery, Caremax 24/7 undertakes the following actions:

  • Recruitment and People Management:
    Our recruitment processes are designed to safeguard carers from any form of abuse, coercion, or exploitation. We ensure that all carers we employ are legally entitled to work in the UK, with robust checks including:

    • Verification of identity and employment rights through official documents.

    • Compliance with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and the Immigration, Asylum, and Nationality Act 2006 to ensure no modern slavery practices are involved in our recruitment.

  • Ethical Business Practices:
    Caremax 24/7 does not enter into business with any organisation, in the UK or abroad, that is knowingly involved in modern slavery or human trafficking. We conduct thorough due diligence to assess potential risks in our business and supply chains.

  • Due Diligence and Safeguarding:
    Through our Safeguarding Policies and compliance with the DBS and Asylum and Immigration Act, we ensure that carers from both the UK and overseas are safeguarded from exploitation. We also utilise UK Government Procurement Frameworks to ensure ethical practices when marketing services and entering into contracts.

  • Supplier Due Diligence:
    We require any organisation tendering to work with Caremax 24/7 to confirm their compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and to produce a Modern Slavery Statement if they meet the criteria for doing so. Our suppliers must demonstrate transparency in their business practices and supply chains, and we will not work with those failing to meet our ethical standards.


Risk Assessment and Ongoing Monitoring

  • Low-Risk Business Model:
    Given the nature of our business—primarily providing care services in the UK—we assess our exposure to modern slavery risks to be relatively low. Nevertheless, we continuously monitor our business and supply chains to ensure that we are not inadvertently supporting any form of modern slavery.

  • Embedding the Modern Slavery Principles:
    We actively embed the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in our operations by training our staff to identify signs of modern slavery. Our staff, especially those engaging with external stakeholders, are trained to remain vigilant in recognising potential risks of modern slavery, whether within our organisation or in the companies we work with.


Training and Awareness

Caremax 24/7 ensures that staff and carers are trained to understand the risks of modern slavery and how to identify and report concerns. Our training programmes are designed to:

  • Increase awareness of modern slavery indicators.

  • Ensure all employees and carers understand their responsibility to report any suspicions of modern slavery or human trafficking.

  • Equip staff with the tools to recognise, assess, and address potential risks in supply chains and service delivery.


Supplier Engagement

To maintain transparency and uphold our commitment to preventing modern slavery, we expect all suppliers and contractors working with Caremax 24/7 to adhere to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We regularly review the practices of our suppliers, ensuring that they meet ethical standards. Failure to comply will result in the termination of business relationships.


Monitoring, Reporting, and Enforcement

Caremax 24/7 actively monitors its business practices and supply chains to ensure compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery are investigated promptly. We maintain the following mechanisms for monitoring and reporting:

  • Whistleblowing: We provide a safe and confidential platform for employees, carers, clients, and suppliers to report concerns related to modern slavery. No person raising concerns in good faith will face retaliation.

  • Complaints Mechanism: We have a robust complaints procedure that ensures swift investigation and resolution of any reports related to modern slavery or exploitation.

  • Supplier Audits: We conduct regular audits of suppliers and contractors to ensure compliance with our ethical standards. Non-compliance with our policies will result in appropriate action, including potential termination of contracts.


Review and Accountability

This Modern Slavery Statement is reviewed annually, with the next review scheduled for August 2024. Caremax 24/7 remains committed to maintaining high standards of transparency and accountability in the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking.

Contact Information:
If you have any questions about this statement or wish to report concerns, please contact:



July 2024

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